Friday, August 31, 2007

Another day in the life of Jen...

Life is beginning to settle in again, which I am thankful for. It will be really nice to go back to my lovely job of being a barista. I am going through with-drawls. Im craving the people and the milksteamer:) And might I add that I am craving something to do. Mark is crazy busy and dont get me wrong I have plenty to do-our bathroom needs to be cleaned, there is laundry to do, the kitchen floor is indeed dirty- BUT that just isnt that exciting. I would much rather sit at Beaners while Mark works and update my blog:)

Basically, Jen is bored, very very bored. It didnt take long I guess.

My mom is coming to visit on Sunday and I am really excited. I get to show off our new home which is very nicely coming together and even slightly decorated-thanks to our generous friends and family. AND I get to show my mom that I really can cook and that I am in fact beginning to really enjoy it. I feel like such a big kid-I went grocery shopping and have a cooked a complete meal every night this week. I was never really convinced that I was capable of being a real wife:) I still have lots of work though.

I really am beginning to like Grand Rapids. Yesturday I decided that I would do some exploring. It was great-I aimlessly wander the streets and the aisles of stores and I didn't spend a dime. Im not sure that I can make the claim to have self-control because the real reason is that my bank cards havn't come in the mail yet so I currently have no access to money:) But it was fun I went to Target ( which is much bigger than the Target I am used to), Bed Bath and Beyond which is also much larger, Barnes and Noble (I spent over an hour in a comfy chair reading a book:) ) and a store I had never been to called the Fresh Market. It was really a neat store with all fresh food and organic, healthy foods. It had a really neat outdoor market feel even though it was inside and it had fun italian-ish music playing. I very much enjoyed that trip.

So far today all I have done is sit at Beaners for 3 hours while Mark works. I did have to fill out my paper work so I can start working next week and I have done a few productive things but mostly I have just been wasting time. I plan on going home eventually and cleaning :/ Well thats enough aimless talk. Love you all! We miss you!

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